This episode of "Tales From The Bike Shop", takes us back to the Fall
of 2010. It was a slower day, not a lot going on. Sometime in the
afternoon the door opened and a guy stepped through the door loudly
proclaiming "I'm Here"!!!
We greeted him as we always do, asking him how he was doing and if we
could help him. He said, "I'm here to do some downhilling, I need to
know where your downhill trails are." Since our trails aren't really
downhill trails I did my best to tell him where our roughest gnarliest
trails were and that he could shuttle The Ribbon.
It was pretty clear he wasn't listening to what I was saying. He
couldn't wait to tell me about his super rad downhill bike, how fast he
shreds downhills, and how he was sponsored by "some pretty big names in
the industry."
At this point my eyes were beginning to glaze over, and I started
trying to move toward the front of the shop, hoping for a phone call to
save me from listening to how "bad ass" this guy was.
The phone call didn't come and my fellow employees didn't offer to save
me from the barrage of self absorbed blather. About the time he was
telling me "I pretty much break all my frames" it must have showed that I
was losing interest, that I just wasn't listening.
And that is when it happened. A moment none of us will ever forget. He
leaned forward towards me, flexed his arm muscles and said, "Listen
I swear the music playing in the background came screeching to a hault,
like a record needle being slid across a record. The guys in the shop
poked their heads out, and everyone in the front of the store had open
gaping mouths. It was clear at that point that we really did
know just how hard he rides.
After meeting him it became the joke that just kept on giving. While
eating a cheesburger we would loudly proclaim "You have no idea how hard
I eat cheeseburgers." Or "You have no idea how hard I stocked those
shelves." After a while all we had to say was "You have no idea." It
was understood what was meant.
It occurred to us later that year that we owed "that guy" a testament of
thanks. Something to remember all the good laughs. That's when we
created the "You Have No Idea How Hard I Ride" stickers and T-shirts.
They are our best sellers, because lets face it, "You Have No Idea How
Hard We Ride!"
1 week ago
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